Monday, March 21, 2011

Sex sells - German clothing ads

It's amazing to me how provocative these ads are! But what wonderful, societal freedom these European countries have to develop humor and show so much skin. I love both of these ads because they share so much of what both of these brands are about in just 45 seconds. Sexiness in ads has traditionally been looked down on in the U.S., but how funny was it when the woman donned her burka after preparing herself for the day? I think these ads aim to empower women and their sexuality and they do a great job. That's not to say that Victoria Secret doesn't do the same thing, I just think that at least in the early part of my lifetime, they were as extreme.

In the first one, I just think that so many women can identify with her freshening up before she goes back to kiss her man of the hour. Sure, it may not be that extreme when it happens to you and you may even be married but how much better would you feel, man or woman, if you had those jeans on even if you were clothed. You’d feel great about yourself and that’s exactly what both of these ads want you to associate with their brands. Whatever! Sex sells.

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